

Basic Report for the Implementation of the UN CRPD in the Canton of Thurgau

20 September 2023

The IWG takes over the scientific monitoring of the project of the Canton of Thurgau

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (in short UN CRPD) was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization (UNO) in New York on December 13, 2006. The UN CRPD was ratified by Switzerland on April 15, 2014 and entered into force on May 15, 2014. With this, Switzerland commits to removing barriers for persons with disabilities (PWD), protecting them from discrimination and promoting their equality in society.

The UN CRPD calls for the equal participation of all people in society by taking the fundamental rights of the various human rights conventions and conventions and transferring them to the specific situation of PWD. This includes all basic civil rights, i.e. political, economic, social and cultural rights. PWD should be able to exercise their rights to the same extent as people without disabilities.

The cantons are responsible for implementing the UN CRPD. For this purpose, the government council of the canton of Thurgau has commissioned an interdisciplinary working group to develop a basis for decision-making in the form of a basic report, which contains the status of the implementations already carried out, but also shows development potentials.

The IWG was involved from the beginning in the preparation and execution of the technical topics as well as the implementation of the assignment. The concrete contents and topics will be developed by topic-focused heterogeneous teams, consisting of employees of the cantonal offices, directly affected PWD as well as employees of interest groups, within the framework of workshops and presented in two events in April and June 2023. The collected results will flow into the basic report.

Details on the status of the work and the contents can be found at:

Contact person:
Dr. Sebastian Sturm

To ensure that people with disabilities also have access to the text, we are publishing it below in disability inclusive language:

Basic Report for the Implementation of the UN CRPD in the Canton of Thurgau

The IWG takes over the scientific monitoring of the project of the Canton of Thurgau.

On December 13, 2006, the “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” (in short UN CRPD) was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization (UNO). Switzerland adopted the UN CRPD on April 15, 2014. It entered into force on May 15, 2014. Switzerland is committed to removing barriers for people with disabilities. It protects people with disabilities from discrimination and promotes equality in society.

The UN CRPD states that all people have equal rights to participate in society. The fundamental rights that all people have also apply to people with disabilities, adapted in each case to the special situation of people with disabilities. Specifically, these are civil rights, political, economic, social and cultural rights. People with disabilities should be able to exercise their rights like people without disabilities.

The cantons are responsible for implementing the UN CRPD in Switzerland. The government council of the canton of Thurgau would like to have a basic report as a basis for further decisions. For this purpose, it has commissioned a working group consisting of various experts. This group is working on the basic report. The basic report contains the status of the implementations already carried out and ideas for further implementations.

The IWG was involved in the preparation and execution of the technical topics and the implementation of the assignment from the very beginning. The concrete contents and topics are developed by several teams. In each team there are employees from the cantonal offices, directly affected persons with disabilities and employees of interest groups. The teams will develop their proposals in workshops and present them in two events in April and June 2023. The results will be included in the basic report.

Details on the status of the work and the contents can be found at:

Contact person:
Dr. Sebastian Sturm


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